© Silicon Luxembourg
As part of the Village Awards, the competition organised by Le Village by CA network, the best local collaborations between startups and corporations were awarded yesterday.
The Summer Party was organised in association with the LOIC – the Luxembourg Open Innovation Club powered by the House of Startups , a network federating some 40 Luxembourg companies and their innovation managers- and Silicon Luxembourg. It aimed first and foremost to bring together the networks and facilitate exchanges.
It was also an opportunity to highlight startups and companies that have successfully completed innovative projects together. For the first time ever, a quarter of the final projects in the annual competition came from Luxembourg.
It was therefore a perfect opportunity to highlight the entrepreneurs and innovation managers in the context of a dedicated event that was both festive and placed under the theme of networking.
Eight duos were selected and presented yesterday by the jury composed of: Amélie Madinier, director of Le Village by CA Luxembourg network, Emilie Bechet, manager of LOIC, and Charles-Louis Machuron, founder and CEO of Silicon Luxembourg. They had to decide between the finalists in four categories: the most effective collaboration, the most unexpected collaboration, the most sustainable collaboration and finally the Coup de cœur of this edition.
The finalists in each category are:
- Lingua Custodia and Crédit Agricole Indosuez Wealth Management (Most Effective Collaboration)
- EmailTree and Webhelp (Most Effective Collaboration)
- Molecular Plasma Group and Robert Schuman Hospitals (Most Unexpected Collaboration)
- Effency and CA-GIP (Most Unexpected Collaboration)
- No Big Deal and Orange Luxembourg (Most Sustainable Collaboration)
- ANote Music and Algorand (Most Sustainable Collaboration)
- ImmoPass and Bâloise Luxembourg (Coup de cœur Collaboration)
- Urban Timetravel and the City of Luxembourg (Coup de cœur Collaboration)
As a symbol of the innovative relationship between startups and corporates, a plant was given to each of them as a reward. A young one to be grown together to push the symbolism a little further. Enlivened by the projection of 8 videos and testimonies of each duo – to be watched soon on the organisers’ networks – the rewarded collaborations are :
- Lingua Custodia and Crédit Agricole Indosuez Wealth Management (Most Effective Collaboration) for their project to automatically translate financial documents
- MPG and Robert Schuman Hospitals (Most unexpected collaboration) for their large-scale mask production project
- No Big Deal and Orange Luxembourg (Most Sustainable Collaboration) for their “Let’z Clean” project combining waste collection, a sports challenge and employee involvement
- ImmoPass and Bâloise Luxembourg (Collaboration coup de coeur) for their project of technical control of real estate and their collaboration very early in the life of the startup.
The evening continued with a great convivial moment in the garden of the House of Startups. While waiting for next year’s awards, companies and startups are invited to contact the Village by CA and LOIC networks to share their annual innovation projects and testify to effective collaborations with local startups.